To empower a generation of women become skilled early childhood educators and caregivers!
To skill 2 Million women become Early Childhood Professionals by 2035.
About Us
TiTLi (Together in Transforming Learning in India) Founded in 2015, works to strengthen the rural and urban machinery of delivering effective Early Childhood Care and Education in India. TITLi enables educators and caregivers to be trained to transform India’s young learners and help them to, like butterflies, spread their wings and fly. TiTLi’s programs simplify best practices in Early Childhood Development (ECD) and inspire the educators to provide a holistic learning environment for children.
TiTLi undertakes the following programs -
Reach and Impact
Active Training hours
Trained 6500+ Teachers & Parents in becoming Skilled ECCE providers
100,000+ CHILDREN are facilitated by skilled early childhood educators and caregivers
Trained 5000+ Anganwadi Workers & engaged 40,000+ caregivers